About 60 cm of snow buried the cars of guests attending a wedding reception in the eastern county of Antigonish on January 16, 2016.

About 60 cm of snow buried the cars of guests attending a wedding reception in the eastern county of Antigonish on January 16, 2016.
Photo Credit: Submitted to CBC by Frank Isherwood

Bridegroom plows snow to free guests

Yes, Canada is a snowy country in winter, but no, it’s not every day that a bridegroom takes time off his wedding reception to plow snow so his guests can leave.  CBC reports that Jeremy Landry did just that on January 16th in Antigonish County in the eastern province of Nova Scotia.

Landry had married Sarah Isherwood at 2pm. They were enjoying their wedding reception at a community centre as the snow fell outside. By 9pm, 60 cm of snow had buried several cars, and guests were having trouble leaving.

The snow had already started when Jeremy Landry and his bride Sarah Isherwood posed for a photo before their wedding reception.
The snow had already started when Jeremy Landry and his bride Sarah Isherwood posed for a photo before their wedding reception. © Facebook

Snow blew over the truck

Neighbours helped shovel snow from around the cars, and Landry went home to get his pick-up truck which has a plow attached to the front.

It was not an easy trip back, he told CBC, “It was snowing that hard that we both had to put our heads out the window so we could see where we were going. It was coming up over the front of the plow, right over the headlights and onto the hood of the truck. It was that deep.”

Landry cleared snow from the parking lot and on the road connecting the community centre to the nearby highway. Not everyone was able to get back to their accommodations though, so he spent the night ferrying relatives to the homes of his and his bride’s families.

Groom glad wedding was ‘memorable’

He returned to his bride at 4:30am, but got back to his truck in the morning to free two disk jockeys who had stayed the night in the community centre.

Landry is apparently glad his wedding was memorable. And he didn’t seem to mind what happened. As he told CBC, “I guess it’s a good way to spend our first day of being a married couple, sitting in the plow truck all day.”

While Canadians are hardy, Landry’s story was unusual enough to make it into news reports.

With files from CBC.

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