NDP Leader Tom Mulcair speaks to supporters on election night, Oct. 19, 2015, in Montreal, after the party failed to live up to optimistic predictions. Mulcair stands in front on an orange wall. A bearded man with salt-and-pepper hair, he is dressed immaculately in a blue suit and blue tie. His wears a weary and sad expression.

NDP Leader Tom Mulcair speaks to supporters on election night, Oct. 19, 2015, in Montreal, after the party failed to live up to optimistic predictions.
Photo Credit: CP Photo / Ryan Remiorz

Mulcair on the griddle at NDP convention

Some 1,500 members of Canada’s left-of-centre New Democratic Party are in Edmonton, Alberta to discuss what on went wrong in last October’s federal election.

The vote saw the New Democrats fall from 103 seats in 2011 under then-leader Jack Layton to 44 under Tom Mulcair.

After the NDP was outflanked on the left by Justin Trudeau’s Liberals, who promised to run a deficit to get Canada’s economy moving again, many NDP members are blaming Mulcair.

The Edmonton convention will vote on whether or not Mulcair, who is scheduled to speak Sunday, remains as leader.

The president of the Canadian Labour Congress, Hassan Yussuff, was scheduled to speak on Friday. He has already said he believes Mr. Mulcair should step down.

The head of a working group that explored what went so wrong in the election, NDP President Rebecca Blaikie, will be seek feedback from the convention floor and discuss her panel’s post-mortem findings.

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