Softball-sized hailstones from Tuesday's storm were outdoing one and other on twitter today in Saskatchewan.
Photo Credit: Twitter

Hailstones at record-size in Saskatchewan

Hail has been a constant this summer so far in Saskatchewan. But in the central province, known for its ‘big skies’ hailstones became balls the size of tennis balls, hammering everything they landed on.

Last night’s storm produced images on social media that rivalled all the golf ball sized photos before. Places like Strongfield and Stewart Valley boasted baseball sized versions!

The same system produced thunderstorms that created funnel clouds near Davidson and Girvin.

A lot of refrigerators may be housing the souvenirs today, and they’ll come in handy for evidence when reporting the damage, which included several smashed windshields.

The system continues east raising severe thunderstorm warnings in Winnipeg, Manitoba now.

Categories: Environment & Animal Life, Internet, Science & Technology, Society

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