Alex Colville’s ‘Athletes’ will be on display at the Owens Art Gallery on the Mount Allison University campus in New Brunswick.

Alex Colville’s ‘Athletes’ will be on display at the Owens Art Gallery on the Mount Allison University campus in New Brunswick.
Photo Credit: Nathan Denette/Canadian Press

Artist’s studio contents donated to university

The studio of celebrated Canadian painter Alex Colville says a lot about the man and now much of it will be available for the public to see on the campus of Mount Allison University in the eastern province of New Brunswick. The Globe and Mail newspaper reports that Colville’s family will gift the contents of his studio in Wolfville, Nova Scotia to the university.

In addition, The Globe says that the Owens Art Gallery on campus has created within it the Colville Gallery which will allow the public to see more than 200 of his works on a year-round basis. Among them will be a restored mural called Athletes.

Colville was known for his meticulous work creating realistic scenes of everyday life. He lived from 1920 to 2013.

Artist was frugal and orderly

The artist lived on the Mount Allison campus and raised a family there from 1949 to 1973, after which he moved to Nova Scotia. The Owens Art Gallery’s director told the Globe that the objects in Colville’s studio “reflect his orderliness, his precision and his intentionality.”

Colville made his own easels and studio furniture often using inexpensive pine or he recycled old materials.

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