William Gibb cuddles up with his five year old husky, Sasha, for a portrait on Wednesday. On Boxing Day, Gibb rescued Sasha from the jaws of a cougar, beating it with his fists and a stick outside a Tim Hortons.

William Gibb cuddles up with his five year old husky, Sasha, for a portrait on Wednesday. On Boxing Day, Gibb rescued Sasha from the jaws of a cougar, beating it with his fists and a stick outside a Tim Hortons.
Photo Credit: CP Photo / Jeff Stokoe

Whew, that William Gibb is one tough dude!

Stop me if you heard this one. Bet you haven’t. Kind of an Alberta story.

It all happened Boxing Day in Whitecourt when William Gibb, his two dogs, and his brother went to meet a friend for coffee at a Tim Hortons.

It was just supposed to be a cup of coffee, right?  Instead, William winds up punching out a cougar.

I guess you could say the cougar started it after Gibb let his dogs, the husky Sasha, and Mongo, the Alaskan malamute, out to do their business.

Thirty seconds later Gibb says he heard a ruckus and charged outside.

He saw Sasha twitching in pain nearby and yelled, screamed and kicked to distract the cougar until the dog was able to flee to a nearby church,

“I scooped her up with my left, swung at the cat with my right. I tried to keep it away from me,” Gibb says. “I got a little scratch across the wrist but it didn’t do anything to me.”

Gibb began to chase the cougar into the woods but turned back to take care of Sasha.

“I wasn’t analyzing it too much at the time,” Gibb says. “All that was going through my mind is that I had to protect my dog.

“It was just very instinctual. My dogs are like my children.”

Police followed the cougar into the woods and killed it.

Sasha was taken to a nearby veterinary clinic before being released on Wednesday. She is expected to make a full recovery.

Categories: Environment & Animal Life, Health, Society
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