A shooting star
Photo Credit: Kevin Clifford

Perseid Showers

The Perseid meteor shower will be most visible in the sky this weekend as well as Monday and Tuesday, August 12th and 13th.  According to NASA, the Perseids produce more fireballs than any other meteor shower.

NASA says the skies will be busiest on the 12th and 13th with the meteor rate highest before sunrise when the constellation Perseus, where the meteors come from, is highest in the sky.

The Canadian Space agency offers these tips for meteor hunting in Canada:

  • If possible, head away from city lights, which make it hard to see fainter meteors. To increase your chances of seeing shooting stars, set out in search of dark skies in the countryside.
  • Dress warmly. Even though the Perseids occur in the summertime, it is still a good idea to bring warm (even winter) clothes. August nights can be very chilly.
  • Sit back and relax on a reclining chair or lie down on a blanket. Not only is it much more comfortable to observe the stars lying down, but you’ll also see more that way.
  • Pack a thermos of hot chocolate or coffee—it will come in handy if you start to drift off or get a little chilly!
  • If you need to use a flashlight, place a red filter over the bulb (a red balloon will do in a bind). White light is very blinding and may affect your night vision.
  • Be patient. It might take a while before you see your first shooting star. Don’t be quick to give up… It’s worth the wait!

And don’t forget… to make a wish!


Categories: Environment & Animal Life, International, Internet, Science & Technology, Society

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