Air Canada has moved heavy maintenance outside of the country.

Air Canada has moved heavy maintenance outside of the country.
Photo Credit: Frank Gunn/Canadian Press

Air Canada wants to challenge outsourcing ruling

Air Canada wants to appeal a court ruling about its obligation to keep revision and maintenance centres in Canada, reports the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. The airline was publicly owned until 1988. When it was privatized, the law obliged it to keep maintenance operations in the Canadian provinces of Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba.

Two courts have agreed with the Quebec government that the airline breached this legal obligation on maintenance. Air Canada argued it continued to conduct aircraft maintenance inside the country, even though heavy maintenance was transferred abroad.

Union ‘disappointed’

Quebec sued Air Canada after the maintenance company Aveos Fleet Performance closed in 2012, says Canadian Press. About 2,600 employees were laid off. It won the initial case and a subsequent appeal.

Air Canada is now asking the Supreme Court to overturn the decision.  The union representing maintenance workers says it is “disappointing to see Air Canada fight this battle” and that the airline is making the return of maintenance jobs as complex and difficult as possible.

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