Taylor Yach was riding an all-terrain vehicle on private property when she hit a cable strung across the dirt road.

Taylor Yach was riding an all-terrain vehicle on private property when she hit a cable strung across the dirt road.
Photo Credit: Ashley Burke/CBC News

Teen riding on private property injured by cable

In the summer, many Canadians like to ride four-wheel, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and sometimes they stray on to private property. Sixteen-year-old Taylor Yach was doing just that last weekend when she suddenly struck a steel cable strung across a road near Ladysmith in the province of Quebec, reports CBC.

The cable hit her neck, sent her flying off the vehicle knocking her unconscious.

“She flew right past me and landed on the ground facing down,” said Yach’s friend, Rachael Maxwell to CBC. She was riding behind her on the four-wheeler. © Taylor Yach

‘I thought I was going to die’

“I didn’t see it until the last minute and it was blending into the trees,” Yach told CBC News. “I didn’t have any time to hit the brake. I didn’t have any time to duck. I thought I was going to die. I could have been decapitated. Honestly, I could have.”

Yach’s friend was on the ATV riding behind her and was able to help her get back to the family cottage. Yach was taken to hospital and was released after treatment for lacerations on her neck.

Yach’s mother, Angela, returned to take a photo of the steel cable.
Yach’s mother, Angela, returned to take a photo of the steel cable. © Angela Yach

Police to investigate

The incident has alarmed ATV enthusiasts in the western part of Quebec. Residents there have complained about young drivers trespassing and say the problem is growing out of control.

Police will investigate this incident to determine whether someone set up the cable with the intention of harming someone or of stopping people from passing. Such an act could incur criminal charges.

Winter problems too

Property owners face trespassing problems in winter too. Once there is snow on the ground people may travel by snowmobile and often venture on to private property. The noise can be very annoying winter or summer and difficult for police to stop.

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