Canadian approval of the U.S. leadership has dropped by 40 points to a low of 20 per cent.

Canadian approval of the U.S. leadership has dropped by 40 points to a low of 20 per cent.
Photo Credit: Carolyn Kaster/AP Photo

Trump drags down world opinion of U.S. leadership

A worldwide survey has found the approval rating of U.S. leadership under Donald Trump has sunk nearly 20 points to 30, and Canadians’ opinions of him dropped most among western countries.

Germany gets best rating

Germany replaced the U.S. as the top-rated global power in the world with a rating of 41 per cent. The U.S. rating was just below China’s 31 per cent and just above Russia’s 27 per cent.

Of Canadian respondents, 20 per cent said they approved of Trump’s performance and 76 per cent said they disapproved. That was a drop of 40 per cent in Canadian approval of the U.S. leadership. The strongest approval rating came from the western province of Alberta, where 29 per cent had a good opinion of Trump. That province is a traditionally more conservative in its views and politics than much of the rest of the country.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Canada, Bruce Heyman, tweeted ‘the language and style coming from (Trump) don't match up to Canadian values.’
Former U.S. Ambassador to Canada, Bruce Heyman, tweeted ‘the language and style coming from (Trump) don’t match up to Canadian values.’ © Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press/file Nov. 6, 2015

‘This hurts a lot,’ tweets former U.S. ambassador

Reacting to these results, former U.S. Ambassador to Canada tweeted “This hurts a lot.Our best friend Canada has been impacted by this administration’s immigration policy, environmental policy and trade policy. But most important the language and style coming from (Trump) don’t match up to Canadian values.”

U.S. leadership lost approval among allies

Support for the U.S. leadership also suffered major losses among other NATO allies and trading partners. It gained among countries like Israel, Poland, Slovakia, Belarus, Liberia, Lebanon, and Iraq.

The Gallup poll was conducted among 1,000 people in each of 134 countries.

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