Toronto gives new meaning to the "Summer Novel."

Keep those Twitter fingers (thumbs?) greased, you might get discovered

Ever dream of being a published author?

Just in case you missed it, the Toronto Public Library is the process of writing and publishing–INSTANTLY–a novel.


How about one tweet a time?

The story so far. (Toronto Public Library)

“I sat on a bench reading my book in the waterfront’s early morning sunshine when a jogger suddenly stopped in his tracks and approached me with a knowing smile,” it begins–the words posted at 9.04 AM – Aug 7, 2018–by city librarian Vickery Bowles.

All you need is a Twitter account and you can advance the narrative line by line using the hashtag #TorontoWritesABook

Two prospective tweets are selected every day and vie for publication.

The public then votes on the winning tweet….on Twitter, of course.

What have we so far?

Two people reconnect at Toronto’s waterfront after 30 years and then take off to the Toronto islands.

Hey, it’s a start!

The library plans to eventually publish the story and is discussing the possibility of working with local illustrators to complete the project.

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