Photo Credit: IS / Don Bayley

Talking about mental health: news and reports by Radio Canada International

Read and listen to a small collection of reports and interviews about mental health produced over the last months by some of Radio Canada International’s journalists.

Delivering better care for children’s emotional and mental health needs

By Marc Montgomery, Tuesday 10 May, 2016

Only about 25 percent of children and youth in Canada who are in need of mental health services actually recieve such care. A new research centre in Ottawa hopes to develop new and better care methods and reach more children and youth
Only about 25 percent of children and youth in Canada who are in need of mental health services actually recieve such care. A new research centre in Ottawa hopes to develop new and better care methods and reach more children and youth © iSTock via CBC

It’s a first for Ottawa and the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) and possibly in Canada and elsewhere as well. The hospital today announced the first step of its plan to build a novel paediatric-focused Centre for Mental Health» 

Over half of Canadian employers have no mental health strategy: report

By Levon SevuntsTuesday 16 February, 2016

 Rachael Allen, centre, an instructor at Iam Yoga, teaches a class of hot yoga in Toronto on Wednesday, December 17, 2014.
Rachael Allen, centre, an instructor at Iam Yoga, teaches a class of hot yoga in Toronto on Wednesday, December 17, 2014. © PC/Nathan Denette

Anxiety, the common mental illness among children

By Lynn DesjardinsSunday 7 February, 2016 

© ICI Radio-Canada

‘Troubling’ increase in poor mental health: poll

By Lynn Desjardins, Thursday 4 December, 2014

© iStock

There has been a big increase in the number of adults reporting they have poor mental health, according to an on-going survey in the province of Ontario. In 2003, the number was 4.7 per cent. By 2013 it had risen» 

Indigenous mental health funding sends important signal says Canadian Inuit leader

By Eilís Quinn, Friday 17 June, 2016 

“It seems as if we’ve turned a very significant corner,” Canadian Inuit leader Natan Obed (pictured here in November 2015) (Justin Tang/The Canadian Press)

Categories: Health

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