This demonstrations in 2013 was one of several organized to protest the Canadian government’s muzzling of scientists.

This demonstrations in 2013 was one of several organized to protest the Canadian government’s muzzling of scientists.
Photo Credit: Margo McDiarmid/CBC

Canadians too will march for science

Rallies in Canada will be among 500 events happening around the world on April 22 in support of science. The marches were triggered by the new U.S. administration’s denial of climate change and the removal of information on the subject from the EPA’s website. Canadians and people around the world joined in a massive effort to archive more information that was going to be removed. There is further concern about the Trump administration’s cuts in funding for science programs.

Canadians have experience protesting what demonstrators called “the war on science” waged by the previous Canadian government.
Canadians have experience protesting what demonstrators called “the war on science” waged by the previous Canadian government. © Fred Chartrand / Canadian Press/file

Science was discredited in Canada

Canada had its own experience with the suppression of science under the previous government of Stephen Harper. Funding was cut, scientists were forbidden from speaking with the news media without specific permission and they were often prevented from attending or speaking at international conferences. The new government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau elected in October 2015 reversed those measures.

‘An alarming trend’

A website promoting The March for Science speaks of “an alarming trend toward discrediting scientific consensus and restricting scientific discovery” in the U.S. and it calls on people to speak out in defence of science.

The main march will take place in Washington, D.C. There will be a rally in front of the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa and another in the western city of Vancouver.

Categories: International, Internet, Science & Technology, Society
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