Most respondents were open to romantic relationships at work or didn’t care. (iStock)

Romance at work mostly remains hidden: online survey

An online survey suggests that one in three respondents have been involved in a workplace relationship, 45 per cent of them kept it a secret from someone and 27 per cent hid it from everyone at work.  

A majority of 83 per cent were open to romantic relationships at work or didn’t care.

Some respondents said they felt pressured to be in a romantic relationship at work. (iStock)

Among the 885 respondents, 7.5 per cent said they had felt pressured to be in a romantic relationship at work to advance or maintain their positions. Only 31 per cent said they were aware of a policy or code of conduct that clearly sets out what is and what is not acceptable.

The company that commissioned the study, ADP Canada concludes that companies should have policies regarding romantic relationships at work. It describes its own business as “designing better ways to work.”

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