Premier Stephen McNeil arrives at a news conference in Halifax on Sunday, March 15, 2020. Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil says the province is lifting more restrictions after going more than two weeks without a new case of COVID-19. (The Canadian Press/Andrew Vaughan)

Nova Scotia lifts more restrictions 

Restaurants in Nova Scotia can now operate at 100 per cent of their capacity with appropriate physical distancing starting today, according to an announcement made by Nova Scotia’s Premier Stephen McNeil on Friday.

Private campgrounds can operate at 100 per cent capacity, and public pools can reopen with physical distancing measures starting today as well.

“We’ve now had more than two weeks with no new cases of COVID-19, and Nova Scotians are getting back to normal activities while maintaining precautions,” McNeil said in a press release. “Continuing the core measures of physical distancing and hand hygiene is how we will keep our case numbers low, especially as we increase gathering limits and welcome Atlantic Canadian visitors to Nova Scotia.”

Nova Scotia does not have any active cases of COVID-19, and has not diagnosed a new case in 17 days.

The province also announced that starting on July 3, businesses and organizations can plan outdoor events with 250 people as long as social distancing rules are put in place. Indoor events are limited 50 per cent capacity to a maximum of 200 people with physical distancing. 

Gatherings not run by a business or organization such as family events are still limited to 50 people with physical distancing. 

Dr. Robert Strang, the chief medical officer for the province recommends wearing non medical masks when social distancing is not possible and that it is important to continue practicing public health measures to minimize a second wave of COVID-19 cases. 

Nova Scotia recently announced that it would join the other Atlantic provinces, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, to form a regional pandemic bubble.

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