The Quebec government wants to cut emissions levels considerably by 2030. We look across a large field of snow towards a series low-slung factory smokestacks  spewing large, cumulus-like clouds of smoke skyward towards the right of the photo. The sky appears ominously dark.

The Quebec government wants to cut emissions levels considerably by 2030.
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Quebec announces high greenhouse gas goals

The province of Quebec has set new targets in the battle to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

Environment Minister David Heurtel said Thursday he wants emissions cut by 37.5 per cent compared with 1990 levels.

Heurtel said the 37.5 per cent target would be the highest in Canada, with Ontario following suit at 37 per cent, and he called on the federal government to invest more in green technology and to recognize the urgency in acting to fight climate change.

He said transportation and construction are two key areas where greenhouse-gas reductions are required.

Public consultations will take place this fall, and the final target will be presented at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris in December.

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