The farm and operation is called Nature’s Green Acres. They pride themselves on raising cattle pigs and chickens on a natural diet and somewhat free range lifestyle. They’ve goine one step further to see if they could survive like the pioneers on only what the farm can produce, nothing store bought

The farm and operation is called Nature’s Green Acres. They pride themselves on raising cattle pigs and chickens on a natural diet and somewhat free range lifestyle. They’ve goine one step further to see if they could survive like the pioneers on only what the farm can produce, nothing store bought
Photo Credit: Nature’s Green Acres

Lifestyle: the Ruzicka family: Living off the land, pioneer style

Pioneer lifestyle? well, in terms of food anyway.

Last August, Shannon Ruzicka, husband Danny, and their three children decided on an experiment.

Living on a farm in Viking, Alberta, they wondered if they could survive only on what the farm could produce, like pioneers of old.


In fact the idea came about after reading the biography of her great grandfather, who came from Germany to the wilderness of Manitoba with nothing but his wits, and strong arms.

The Ruzicka family- Dan and Shannon, Madalynne 11, Josh 9, Molly 6: getting a little closer to sef-relieance and a pioneer experience by eating only wht the farm itself can produce
The Ruzicka family- Dan and Shannon, Madalynne 11, Josh 9, Molly 6: getting a little closer to sef-relieance and a pioneer experience by eating only wht the farm itself can produce © Ruzicka

The great grandfather had to survive on his own: clear the land, build a home, haul water and make sure his wife and family could survive in winter on what they themselves could grow, gather, and produce. He would often spend months at a lumber camp earning money to buy other necessities they couldn’t produce themselves.

The garden waiting to be planted. The plants will have to sustain them through the fall, winter and spring.
The garden waiting to be planted. The plants will have to sustain them through the fall, winter and spring, a tremendous amount of work to plant, harvest, and freeze. © Ruzicka

The story and the amount of effort astounded the Ruzickas, and the family wondered if they could even feed themselves on their own let alone the other hardships of pioneer life.   So that’s what the Ruzicka’s thought they could try, to see if they had the skills and wherewithal to feed themselves and survive through their own efforts for one year.

Dandelion heads, not a crop per se, but healthy, natural, and when cooked properly, taste pretty good.
Dandelion heads, not a crop per se, but healthy, natural, and when cooked properly, taste pretty good. © Ruzicka

They would grow and slaughter their own animals, get milk from a cow, and eat only the vegetables and other plants they could grow in season.

Chicken slaughtering day, for personal needs and sale. Past studies have shown that a number of urban children have no idea that the chicken and hamburgers they eat were once farm animals.
Chicken slaughtering day, for personal needs and sale. Past studies have shown that a number of urban children have no idea that the chicken and hamburgers they eat were once farm animals. © Ruzicka

The family raise heritage pigs, cattle, and chickens, and they put in a large garden to supply them with vegetables and other edible plants in season, and freeze them for the long winter months.

Daughter Madalynne milking *Belle*
Daughter Madalynne milking *Belle* © Ruzicka


Homemade butter- nothing store bought and learning to make things yourself as the pioneers had to do
Homemade butter- nothing store bought and learning to make things yourself as the pioneers had to do © Ruzicka

The experiment was to last a year. With several months, and the winter, behind them, it’s been tough at times. Ruzicka says it has been a real learning experience for the whole family, but everyone is completely healthy  and very proud of their experience.

One of their sows with a new litter of piglets. the Ruzickas want their animals to experience as *natural* life as possible and eat natural foods.
One of their sows with a new litter of piglets. the Ruzickas want their animals to experience as *natural* life as possible and eat natural foods. © Ruzicka

Shannon says even when the year is up, the family will more or less continue with the style of living they have developed which has been on the one hand, a real money-saver, but much more than that has taught adults and especially the children more about nature, and life cycles, and the difference between needs and wants.

Ruzicka Farm- Nature’s Green Acres- website- and video blog

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