Green Party Leader Elizabeth May has long warned against trade deals that she says threaten democracy.

Green Party Leader Elizabeth May has long warned against trade deals that she says threaten democracy.
Photo Credit: CBC

Greens reject trade deals’ ‘affront to democracy’

The leader of the Green Party wants Canada to reject international trade agreements that allow corporations to sue governments.  Elizabeth May says the so-called Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements (FIPAs) threaten democracy and infringe on sovereignty.

Citizens protest the Canada-China Foreign Investment Promotions and Protection Agreement in the western city of Vancouver on June 5, 2013.
Citizens protest the Canada-China Foreign Investment Promotions and Protection Agreement in the western city of Vancouver on June 5, 2013. © Jonathan Hayward/Canadian Press

May is particularly incensed that Canada signed a 31-year deal with China that was ratified by cabinet without any parliamentary discussion. FIPAs, she says, enable private corporations to sue governments in secret for legislation they don’t like.

These most recent comments were made in Nanaimo in the western province of British Columbia as part of May’s federal election campaign.

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