Former Attorney-General Jody Wilson-Raybould arriving at the Justice Committee Feb 27, 2019. Photo: CP/Sean Kilpatrick

Wilson-Raybould and the SNC-Lavalin controversy: 2 months of turmoil in Ottawa

Over the past two months, the controversy surrounding the SNC-Lavalin has continued unabated. The situation involves criminal charges against the company and the declarations of former Minister of Justice Jody Wilson-Raybould that she has been subjected to undue and inappropriate pressure from the Liberal government to intervene and defer the criminal charges. The ongoing saga has captured the attention of Canadians and fuelled the media daily. You want to better understand the issues at stake in this Canadian political crisis? Read our many reports on this topic

Explosive event in Canadian politics
By Marc Montgomery | 3 April, 2019

Prime minister’s top adviser resigns abruptly
By Lynn Desjardins | 19 February, 2019

Categories: Politics

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