L-R: Terry Haig, Levon Sevunts, Marc Montgomery

The LINK Online, Jan 24.25.26, 2020

Your hosts, Levon, Terry, and Marc (video of show at bottom)


According to Stephen Cornish who leads one of Canada’s most recognized environmental and conservation NGO’s, the root cause of many of the world’s conflicts and migrations can be traced in some form back to a changing climate.

In this episode he spoke to Levon about how climate concerns should factor in to Canada’s foreign policy calling it a ‘greening’ of foreign and development policy.

full story here     series link here

Some millionaires ask World Economic Forum to tax them more

It’s estimated Canada’s wealthiest and wealthy corporations avoid billions of taxes in Canada annually. A group of milionaires/billionaires in the U.S is calling on governments to tax them more as the class wage gap widens. (Chirs Watters-Reuters)

Statistics show that a small number of the uber-rich control more money than the combined wealth of the vast majority of the entire rest of the world population.

A small group of millionaires/billionaires mostly in the U.S. is now saying they should have to pay more tax. Calling themselves the ‘patriotic millionaires’, they’ve sent a letter to the World Economic former to that end.

It’s not altogether altruistic though as their campaign ‘taxes or pitchforks’ is in an indication of their concern for their own well-being. They know that historically when the gap between rich and poor becomes too great, social and political upheaval has followed.

Author and economist Jeff Rubin spoke to Marc about the situation.

full story here

At long last love: Larry Walker’s going to the Baseball Hall of Fame

Montreal Expos right fielder Larry Walker is seen in 1994. Less than a year later, he was off to Colorado. On Tuesday, he was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame, just the second Canadian–after Ferguson Jenkins–to be elected. (The Canadian Press/AP)

Larry Walker of Maple Ridge British Columbia has been voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, N.Y.
He is only the second Canadian–after Ferguson Jenkins of Chatham, Ontario to get there…. Jenkins was a pitcher and Walker was an outfielder. It was a close call though as to whether Walker would make it.

Terry spoke to  Richard Griffin, who is the director of baseball media for the Toronto Blue Jays, and the former Montreal Expos media relations director, a job that saw him spend a lot of hours with Walker.

full story here

Video of show

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