Highlights / International Zone

International, Politics

More than just bromance: Trudeau-Macron tandem driven by shifting geopolitics

When G20 leaders meet in Hamburg next week many observers will be watching the budding bromance between France’s newly elected President Emmanuel Macron and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The G20’s two youngest leaders – Macron is 39, Trudeau 45 »


Does Canada need its own CIA or MI6?

For defence and security policy wonks in Canada June has been a particularly busy month. It all began with a rather remarkable foreign policy speech delivered by Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland in the House of Commons. She not only »


What’s behind Qatar’s diplomatic crisis?

It’s the biggest diplomatic crisis to hit the Middle East in years. Several Arab countries have announced that they are breaking diplomatic ties with Qatar. The tiny, oil- and gas-rich state has been accused of supporting terrorist groups. The dramatic move »

International, Politics, Society

Should Canada return to Afghanistan?

Last week, during the NATO summit in Brussels, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ruled out sending Canadian troops back to Afghanistan . Canadian journalist and historian Michael Petrou who has covered the war in Afghanistan since 2001 thinks this was a »

International, Politics

Labour and civil society coalition slams Canada’s Venezuela policy

A Canadian coalition of labour groups and civil society activists is calling on the federal government to rethink its policy towards the deepening crisis in Venezuela and stop supporting radical elements of the opposition who have vowed to overthrow the »

International, Politics

Canadian photographer sounds alarm on crisis in South Sudan

South Sudanese refugees in northern parts of the country are in desperate need of humanitarian assistance before the rainy season sets in, making it even harder to reach the already isolated areas, says a Canadian photographer who just returned from »

International, Politics

Hungary summons Canadian ambassador in diplomatic spat over Soros-funded university

Relations between Canada and NATO ally Hungary got a bit testy this week, after the Hungarian foreign ministry summoned Canada’s ambassador to the country to chastise her over public statements expressing concern about the fate of a Budapest university and »

International, Politics

Civilian casualties in Iraq and Syria mount amid intensifying Western and Russian air campaign

While Western media attention has been focused on the tragic deaths of about 85 Syrian civilians killed in a poison gas attack in northwestern Syria on April 4, as many as 3,400 civilians are estimated to have died in air »

International, Politics

Chemical attack in Syria upends prospects of Russia-U.S. detente

U.S. cruise missile attacks against Syrian military targets believed to have been behind a deadly chemical weapons attack in northern Syria mark a new and unpredictable phase in the six-year-old war, says a Canadian expert. The U.S. Navy launched 59 »


UNICEF counts on continued Canadian generosity in 2017

As Canada’s International Development Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau toured projects and programs for Syrian refugees in Jordan earlier this week, officials with the United Nations children’s agency said they counted on Canada’s continued generosity. The need is great. More than 13.4 »