Highlights / Month: March 2014

Economy, Environment & Animal Life, International

Protecting Belugas in western Hudson Bay

Every year about 60,000 Beluga whales migrate to the southwestern coast of Hudson Bay. This is one of the largest concentrations of Belugas in the world.   In summer they gather around 3 estuaries to feed, give birth and nurse »

Economy, Society

Canada’s BMO bank falls for scam empties customer’s account $87K

“I think [BMO was] just trying to wear me out, hoping I would just fade away … or die,” says Canadian Bruce Taylor whose bank BMO fell for a scam and emptied his account of $87,500. The Bank of Montreal »


Literacy gap growing between boys and girls

A recent evaluation of boys and girls in grade 10 (age 15-16) across Ontario high schools shows a considerable gap in literacy. It’s called the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) The Fraser Institute which conducts school ratings says in »



Arts & Entertainment

ARTS- book :Done With Slavery- author Frank Mackey

Many people might be surprised to learn that slavery did exist in the former French and later British colonies of Lower and Upper Canada. Author Frank Mackey in his Montreal office © courtesy F Mackey It ended well before Canada came »

Health, Internet, Science & Technology

Brain training and exercise together better?

We know that physical exercise is good for the brain and that mental exercise is good too, but some Canadian scientists are researching whether doing them in quick succession is even better. As Canadians get older many choose to exercise »


Politics Today – March 2, 2014

On this edition of Politics Today RCI’s Wojtek Gwiazda has an update on last weekend’s policy convention of the Liberal Party of Canada. He deals with the continuing controversy over the Canadian government’s new proposed reform of the Elections Act, »


The LINK Online (Sat Mar.1, 2014)

This week, Wojtek and Marc are your hosts, as Lynn enjoys a well deserved day off. Lynn however did leave us one of her stories and a beautiful one it is. That comes up a bit later as this week »