L_R: Vincenzo Morello, Terry Haig, Marc Montgomery

The LINK Online Feb 28,29; Mar 01, 2020

Your hosts today, Vincenzo, Terry, and Marc ( video of show at bottom)


Canadian Space Agency invests in moon exploration

The control center at the Canadian Space Agency in Longueuil, Quebec, Canada, February 28, 2019. (Reuters/Christinne Muschi)

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) is seeking to get more involved in exploration of the moon. To that end they’ve given out more than $4 million in contracts to several companies and a university. This is to help them develop technologies to be able to detect water on the Moon, measure mineral composition, and tools to navigate rovers on the lunar surface.

Vincenzo spoke with Erick Dupuis, the director of Space Exploration Development at the CSA.

International survey indicates trust in key institutions declining

The Trust Barometer survey was taken before the current Indigenous crisis and rail blockades, but even at that trust in institutions and government shows a decline (CBC news)

A new international survey shows people around the world are slowly losing trust in society’s key institutions. The Edelman trust barometer, or trust index, is now in its 20th year. The marketing and PR firm has been using the ‘guage’ as a tool to advise their clients, but over the years its expanded to become an insight into how people feel about their politicians, business, the media, and NGO’s.

Canada occupies a middle ground between trust and distrust of those institutions, but this year it shows a drop of several places showing Canadians, like many others, are losing faith in these institutions to deal both quickly, and ethically with ongoing crises.

Marc spoke with Lisa Kimmel, CEO and Chair of Edelman Canada.

David Ayres: the legend grows

The man himself following his Saturday Night Special. (CBC)

An amateur goalie, and sometime zamboni driver, Canadian David Ayres, was in the stands at an NHL game. When the Carolina Hurricane’s goalies were injured, the team had to call in a spectating Ayres as an emergency back-up.

The Hurricanes went on to beat the Toronto Maple Leafs 6-3.  It’s a story that has made headlines, and the late night talk shows, across N. America.

Terry talks about this exciting and rare event

Video of show begins at 0;40

Categories: Arts & Entertainment, Internet, Science & Technology, Politics, Society
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