Highlights / Environment and Health


Depression link to inflammation explained in book

A new book suggests that depression should be considered an inflammatory illness. That is to say, depression can provoke high levels of stress hormone which cause certain brain cells to stop working properly and to produce proteins that cause inflammation. »


Rosacea patients get online support from company

People who live with the inflammatory skin disease called rosacea are being offered a new online tool to help them get good medical help. Rosacea’s symptoms include facial flushing, redness and spots. Research suggests rosacea has a significant impact on »


Exercise can help with cancer and help prevent it, says panel

An international panel of experts in cancer and rehabilitation has devised new guidelines to help people prevent cancer or recover from it and improve their survival. “In terms of cancer treatment, we know that being active, in theory, has been »

Health, Society

Bias, discrimination prevent people getting obesity care: study

Science shows that obesity is a chronic disease like diabetes or cancer, yet people living with it are being told “they did this to themselves, and that they don’t deserve to be supported,” says Dr. Arya Sharma, the scientific director »

Health, Internet, Science & Technology

Do we trust science? McGill professor weighs in

A recent study suggested there was not enough evidence to prove that people should avoid eating red meat and processed meats. This ran contrary to previous studies which have, for years, suggested that  consumption of these meats should be reduced »

Environment & Animal Life, International, Society

Extinction rebellion action in Canada: measured success

On October 7, 2019, Extinction Rebellion activists blocked several bridges in Canada and succeeded in drawing attention to their message that climate change is an emergency already underway. The movement’s name refers to the belief that the world has entered »

Health, Society

Men feel pressure to “man up,” suffer consequences: survey

A new survey suggests 37 per cent of Canadian men will not talk to others about their feelings to avoid appearing ‘unmanly,’ yet 80 per cent think talking is an effective way to cope with problems. And 29 per cent »

Health, Internet, Science & Technology

Breast cancer: hormone therapy affects quality of life more, say researchers

Contrary to common belief, hormone therapy worsens the quality of life for women with breast cancer to a greater extent than does chemotherapy. The study by Institut Gustave Roussy in France involved 4,262 patients who had surgery for breast cancer.  »

Economy, Environment & Animal Life, Society

Some western business leaders urge strong climate action

Saying “climate change is a risk to the bottom line,” 45 business leaders in the western province of British Columbia are asking all federal party leaders to renew Canada’s leadership on climate issues. The party leaders are campaigning ahead of »

Health, Society

People unfamiliar, uncomfortable with schizophrenia: poll

A new public opinion poll suggests that people living in the province of Ontario don’t understand schizophrenia and the people who live with this serious mental disorder. The poll by Ipsos found that 57 per cent of respondents mistakenly believe »