Highlights / Column

With our columns, learn more about topics as diverse as Canada’s place in the world, the Arctic, health, art, culture and the environment.

Health, Society

Nearly a third of Canadians exposed to vehicle pollutants: study

Almost 30 per cent of Canadians live within 250 metres of a major road and so, are exposed to ‘a soup of pollutants’ which are associated with health problems like asthma, cancer and cardiovascular death, say researchers at the University »


Canadian adults get a failing grade for physical activity

Only 16 per cent of Canadian adults are meeting the national guidelines of 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per week, according to a national non-profit. Calling this an “inactivity crisis,” ParticipACTION says inactivity can lead to increased risk of »

Environment & Animal Life

Montreal company develops sustainable running shoe

More than 300 million shoes end up in landfills every year, according to the U.S. Department of the Interior, and a Canadian startup wants to reduce that by developing a sustainable sneaker. Way Running is offering its “Sustainable Runner” to »

Health, Society

Most professionals admit having gone to work sick: survey

An online survey suggests that 89 per cent of Canadian professionals have gone to the office with cold or flu symptoms. Of those, 27 per cent said they always do. More than half who said they went to work with »

Environment & Animal Life, International, Society

Stop dolphin tourism and suffering, urges non-profit

A new report decries the massive scale and profitability of the dolphin entertainment industry, and the suffering it causes the animals. World Animal Protection says at least 3,000 dolphins are confined in 54 countries including the U.S., Mexico, China and »

Environment & Animal Life, Politics

Climate change will challenge new minority government

In Canada’s federal election, 63 per cent of voters chose parties with strong platforms on mitigating climate change. The Liberal Party will form the government but, since it does not have a majority of seats, it will have to seek »


Use opioids wisely after wisdom tooth removal, urge officials

Dentists and patients are being warned about the potential harms of opioid use to manage pain after the routine extraction of wisdom teeth. “The existing evidence suggest(s) dentists are responsible for a significant proportion of first-time exposure to opioids,” said »


Depression link to inflammation explained in book

A new book suggests that depression should be considered an inflammatory illness. That is to say, depression can provoke high levels of stress hormone which cause certain brain cells to stop working properly and to produce proteins that cause inflammation. »


Rosacea patients get online support from company

People who live with the inflammatory skin disease called rosacea are being offered a new online tool to help them get good medical help. Rosacea’s symptoms include facial flushing, redness and spots. Research suggests rosacea has a significant impact on »

Health, Society

A look back at the legalization of cannabis and “edibles”

On October 17, 2018, Canada became the first G20 country to legalize the recreational use of cannabis. A year later, the country allows the marketing of “edibles”, products that contain THC, the psychoactive ingredient found in marijuana. Now, we invite »